Sunday, September 9, 2012

Make sure to turn up your volume and look hard for speed racer, Safi!!

Beans, baby!!

Boy what a week!  Since mom's really tired and I have to have her help using the computer I'll keep this brief.

Safi stopped wearing diapers and is in big girl undies full time, the theme at school didn't change like it used to every month in her preschool class, there was no school Monday, and she was coming down with a cold so she imploded.  Monday she did ok at school but afterwards she had a total meltdown at the park.  Mom wasn't able o get her buckled in to her car seat because she's stronger and bigger than she used to be.  Mom had to drive home with Safi pulling her hair, hitting her, and hitting her her own head into the car window.  It was horrible.  Tuesday she got off to school fine but by 10am mom got a call from the school saying she was in a complete meltdown and they needed mom to come get her.  Luckily the other kids were at recess because it was pretty bad, lots of screaming, crying.  When mom had to take her to the car she went ballistic and totally lost it.  Again, no luck getting her into the car seat as she would get a death grip on mom's hair and knee her in the face every time mom made some headway.  It was really scary and I didn't really understand what was going on so I kept screaming at mom not to hurt my sister.  Pretty miserable couple of days.

Mom kept Safi home Wednesday because she had a slight fever and the break did her good and she had a great rest of the week at school and at home.

I had a good couple of days at school but by Thursday I was coming down with a cold.  When I get sick I get energized....and mean.  So, I've been kind of a butt to be around.  As of today I'm feeling a lot better and am starting to come back down.

Mom consigned a bunch of our old clothes and got us some new clothes, some toys, and a bunch of board games so we had a really fun weekend.

Now mom is burnt out and wants to go to bed so that's it for me.  Signing off!


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