Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day............

We're baaaaaack! Finally got our password reset and the blog is ours again! Since we're writing this on Sunday and its Mother's Day...we'll be brief.

We had an interesting week. I had some great school days and, with the help of a weighted vest, some great park days. Nixi had a rough week following her Early Intervention group. Mom and the folks working with her will work on making it less over stimulating. Hopefully it works.

We had a great visit with grandpa Cummings, Weishi,and Cate. We bounced in our clubhouse and even took them to Burger King. It was awesome!

Mother's Day today was pretty good for mom. We behaved as well as we could and she had a lovely afternoon and evening listening to us sing and watching us dance.

We're looking forward to a busy week this week and will have lots to report next blog.


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