Sunday, December 29, 2013

A tremendous holiday week!

Christmas eve we decorated cookies for Santa with Emily and the kids, we made magical reindeer food to scatter on the front lawn, and everyone went to bed super pumped for the visit from the big guy in red.

Santa was very good to the girls this year and they were quite pleased.  Santa left gifts at both mom and dad's house so the girls had lots to open and we hit the park afterwards to play off some of the holiday hype.  The day after Christmas we hit Bravo Farms then friends Heather and Sarah came over to house sit and watch the girls because I went on a vacation to the coast.  

Girls spent the weekend with dad, going to see a movie on Friday night, and we ended Sunday with a fab dinner at a local Mexican seafood restaurant, mariachi band and all.  Some blips and mini meltdowns here and there, but all in all a really spectacular week and great lead up to kissing 2013 goodbye!  Check back in next week to see slide shows of the each girl's 2013 highlights and to read about our goals for 2014!


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