Sunday, January 20, 2013

A quick post tonight because Safi is super sick and we're all trying to make her feel better.

My blood draw went really well.  All I said was "Ouch!" then I happily took my stickers and lollipop and was outta there.  The nurse was really nice and she wrapped my stuffed penguin's arm to look just like mine. So, it was no biggie!

We got to hang out with the Shook's on Monday and give Penelope her belated birthday gift.  As always, a super fun time.

Safi went to the doc on Tuesday for a sinus infection, back to school Wednesday, and by Thursday morning sick with the stomach flu.  Today has been her worst day yet so she slept on the couch with mom all day.  Dad took me to the park and it was super fun.  As you can see from the above picture, I got dressed up for the occasion and we had a great time.

Dad's starting to feel sick but so far I'm doing good.  I'm guessing its just a matter of time before I come down with it, but I sure hope not!

So, with that, I'm off to tend to big sister.  Hoping for a healthier week to come....


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