The dalmation molly (white with black spots), Candice.
Tacky..very pregnant!
We had an ok week. I'm still in a funk and poor Safi is doing everything she can to try to not let me drag her down.
She had a great week at school. Mrs. Paggi said she's been doing amazing and even showed some major flexibility with some unscheduled routine changes. She only struggled once the whole week and it was minor with Safi moving on in a matter of minutes! On the 12th Safi gets to go n a field trip to the high school's farm and she's really excited. She asked Heather to go with her and I'm sure theyll have a great time!
I had a pretty good week at school. We dot to read Halloween stories and make Halloween crafts and I'm super pumped for the pumkpin patch field trip on the 18th. I'm getting used to my new friends at school but , much like the park lately, I'm having a hard time reading their intentions and I'm also preoccupioed with thoughts that the other kids are going to take my things or harm me. Mom's been noticing that its been geting way worse so she mentioned it casually to my teacher who confirmed that she nad the aid had just been talking about that and, indeed, it is getting worse. I just can't seem to shake the paranoia that other kids are out to get me. Its sucks and its hard to have fun when you're on high alert.
Safi has to go to the dentist on Monday. Remember three weeks ago when Safi had the HUGE meltdown leaving school? Well, a wekk or so after she told mom and dad that her tooth was loose. Mom immediately thought back to the meltdown because she had smashed her face several times into the car window. However, she and dad thought, hoped, that maybe she was just losing her first tooth. Alas, 3 weeks later its loose as ever, her gums are purple, and it shows no signs of coming out naturally. So, it would appear that she knocked it loose during that meltdown. She's super bummed because she's goingto be missing school and she has no idea this visit may entail x-rays and actual pulling of the tooth. Poor sister. Heather will go with us to help and hopefully things go smoothly.
I have my EEG on Wednesday. I'm not quite sure what that is and I'm not so sure I'm gonna like it. I guess they're going to stick all kinds of wires on my head or something. Sounds kinda fun, for like a minute. Hopefully I can make through the whole test. Quite a week ahead.
I am happy to report, though, that we did decorate the heck out of the house and it looks amazing! We also had two playdates over the weekend. One with Kameron and Jewel, our friends from Safi's preschool class and one with the Olsen kids. It was a busy weekend and we had a great time. Our fish, Rocky, died and that was sad...but we got some new fish and that was awesome! Safi got two fish she named Candice and Isabella after Phineas & Ferb cartoon characters. I named my two Hacky and Tacky. We woke up this morning to baby fish!!! Candice had babies and it looks like Tacky is due any day now. We knew Tacky might be pregnant but Candice was a total surprise. They're super little and super cute and Safi named them Stacey, Jeremy, Perry, Dr. Doof, Balgeet, and Beuford...more characters from the show. So, with the bad there is good and we move forward. Wish us luck and check back in next week to see how it all went down!
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