Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wow, one HOT and humid week here.  We still managed to pack in some outdoor fun despite the scorching temps!

Summer school was awesome!  We had a blast playing dress up, and went on a few amazing bug hunts...our buddy Logan found a mystery fly with red eyes and a long black body, Safi found a beetle, and I found a teeny butterfly.  It was super fun and we did the fountains all three days.  Safi had a bit of a rough time at the fountains on the last day.  She really wanted wanted to play with some girls about her age so she followed them and mirrored what they were doing.  As far as she was concerned, they were all playing together.  One of those "Theory of mind" (read about it here: that because she wanted to play with them, they wanted to and were playing with her.  So, they started loudly saying "why is she following us?" and the like and eventually they told her in a pretty mean tone "Stop following us."  The worst part...Safi still tried to follow them because she wasn't hearing them.  Rather, she was so consumed with making sure she did what they were doing just right, and so in her mind, that she didn't even seem to notice the girl had said anything.  Mom told the girl that she wasn't speaking very nicely and called Safi over.  Safi never knew the girls didn't want to play with her so she was fine.  Mom was bummed.  Tip of the iceberg for things to come in school.  By the way, Teacher Jenn, if you re reading this...CALL MOM!  Pretty please!  

On Friday we got to go to the pet store and buy some ghost shrimp!  Shrimpy, Impy, Dimpy, and pregnant Blimpy are so far doing really well.  We don't think that Rocky can fit them in his mouth.  Because they're transparent it can be a challenge to find them...and that's really kinda fun!  We've been getting a kick out of seeing if they're still there every morning and every time we don't see one Safi yells, "Oh, I think Rocky ate him!"  Terribly exciting stuff!

On Sunday we got a visit from grandpa Cummings, Weishi, and Cate!  It was awesome.  We played in the clubhouse, made Winny sing with flutes, ate at McDondals, and even watched some TV with them!  Safi was super gracious and let Cate wear her pink shoes and use her hammock while watching TV.  Cate was super gracious and, no matter what Safi's reply (or sometimes lack there of) she persisted and played with her for ever!  Up until the last minute her and Safi were giggling and squealing in the bedroom!  It was a super great visit and we're hoping we can hang out with them again really soon!

So, in a nutshell, that was our week.  Hot, exciting, fun, and fabulous!


Ghost shrimp...BOO!

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