We had an interesting week. Mom took Nixi and me to get TB tests, or "T.V tests" as we like to call them. Ok, so it hurt..but we got a treat and a sticker after so it all evened out. We're both T.V. negative! Woohooo!
Nix had school and she continued to struggle with the new kids. On Monday she kind of had it and fell apart at the end of circle time. Mom got the OT's attention and asked her to put on her weighted vest. It helped a lot. So, the next day they put it on her before she even sat down for circle time and it was a lot better. She still needed time to decompress after class, but it was better for her during class.
I had a great week at school! It was really windy so we got to make kites and fly them outside. Mine was yellow and I put Woody stamps on it from Toy Story. It was really cool!
Friday was a funny kind of day. Mom left early in the morning with Nixi and I got to stay home with dad. Nixi had her Regional Center evaluation. It went pretty well. The doctor asked a lot of questions and she gave Nixi a non-verbal intelligence test..Nixi thought that was pretty cool. The doctor says Nixi has Classic Autism, which she was already diagnosed with but its a confirmation that all is in order. Turns out the kid is a smarty! She scored off the chart on her intelligence test, literally. The chart only goes to 150 and she was 150+. The doctor said she was the highest score she'd ever tested...second highest being 130. Now, average is around the 70 range. Yeah, she's a brain. Now if we can just help her to apply that brain of hers! So, it was an ok day...kinda sad that it was confirmed that she for sure has Classic Autism but kinda cool that she's a GENIUS! My little sis is coooool!
A leprechaun came to our house on St. Patrick's Eve and hid a pot with treats in it for us int he living room. When we woke up we got a letter telling us to put on some crowns and look for the leprechaun's hat. We found his pot and it had Wonder Pets stuffed toys for us in it! We had mini cupcakes, dad blew up some helium balloons for us, we ate corned beef and cabbage (ok, so maybe just mom, dad, and Nix ate it), and at night we got shamrock glow sticks. It was a really fun day. Mom was gone for part of shopping at the bi-annual consignment sale. She got us some really cute clothes and TOYS!!! Sunday morning we got to see the toy haul...and it was good. We each got our own brooms, we got a pirate ship, a firehouse, peg art, big magnets for experimenting, beads and buttons for lacing, dinosaurs, rain forest animals in a tree stump...good stuff! I think mom's holding back on us, seeing as though my birthday is right around the corner. Good, I love a little mystery!
So, that's the week in a nutshell. We want to take a minute to send out some love and healing vibes to our friend Sebastian. Sunday night he had to go to the hospital and we're just hoping he's going to be ok. We love you, Sebastian. Also, want to wish grandpa Cummings a very happy birthday on the 23rd. We love you very much and wouldn't mind it a bit if you brought cupcakes up the next time you visit..seeing as though we are unable to help you celebrate this week. Thoughtful, huh? Just looking out for you!
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