GREAT week! Started a little rocky, but ended super fantastic, extra special, glorious and stupendous!
The blip happened at my school Monday morning. Safi and I were in great spirits starting the morning. We found Oker the elf, did the stroller bike, and got ready in a semi-organized fashion. Class was good. The occupational therapist, teacher Jo, was there to hang out with me. Everything was going swimmingly until the end of snack time. I said I wanted more snack and instead of putting a limit on it, I was given another portion of snacks. The other kids had moved on to bubbles (my favorite part of class), and then to the goodbye song. I was still eating while bubbles happened so when I was finished teacher Jo let me blow bubbles as the kids sang the goodbye song. When I was done with bubbles they told me to sit and wait for mom. Uh, NO!! That's not how it supposed to go. I need to do ALL parts of class or I can't move on. Its not like they could call the kids back and ask them to sing again, so that was a bell that couldn't be un-rung. I started screaming and hitting my head. The class teacher told mom I was doing fine all class but didn't want class to end. Uh, NO #2! It had nothing to do with class ending, it was that I didn't get to complete the class routine. So, I had a hard time out at the car. I wanted to go back in and finish class the way it needed to be finished. Mom was able to get me in the car but I was messed up for the rest of the day. I was being ultra controlling and trying to re-establish order to make myself feel better. Unfortunate for mom, Safi, and dad 'cuz I was a bit of a tyrant. Mom called teacher Jo and asked her what happened and how could we make sure it didn't happen again. Teacher Jo agreed that it went horribly wrong, horribly quickly and said she'd touch bases with all the teachers from class to make sure everyone was on the same page when it came to helping me cope with boundaries and limits (i.e. I shouldn't have been allowed to have an endless snack time), and respecting my need to complete routines. Tuesday morning when we pulled up to the building I told mom that I was sad and when she asked why I said because I was scared. I was nervous that class would go the same way as the day before but I got my nerve up, went, and had fun! So there!
Safi had some great days at school. She was VERY relieved to find that, indeed, her class was starting to celebrate and decorate for Christmas. It was like mom thought, once school caught up to home in terms of transitioning to December/the holidays Safi was on cloud nine. She had a really great week. So great that on Thursday morning she told us and Heather that we were going to the grocery store! Yes, the same store that one week to the day Safi had her arguably worst meltdown EVER. I was anxious to go, because if you recall..I took a bit of a beating in the fray of things. Mom told us both that it was ok, we'd be fine, and we needed to go to get donuts. We went, we got donuts, we got a little anxious when it was time to check out and get ready for our treat from the quarter machine....but, WE DID IT! No tears, no screaming...just a little anxiety. WE ALL RULE!!!!
The weekend...well, dreamy. Santa left us surprises both Saturday and Sunday. We got remote control puppies, polar bear and lion cubs that blink and do stuff, and a whole new set up for band Seifert. We got a new keyboard, digital drums, a microphone, and a DJ turn table for mixing and scratching...'cuz Safi loves that! My favorite of all our stuff is the remote control puppy...Safi's favorite changes daily. Today her favorite is the keyboard! Oh, and our diaper room got a magical makeover. Mom made a reading nook for us, complete with bean bag chairs. She also hung butterflies and stars from the ceiling and even put 3d clouds up there. So cool. Diaper room no more....butterfly room, hello!
So, for the most part a really great week. We needed one, and we got it! Hope you all had a great week! Sending a BIG birthday shout-out to Nana Cummings. We wish you a magical birthday filled with fairy dust, lots of glitter, tons of gifts, and a boat load of cup cakes! We love you very much!
Singin' Jingle Bells...
I am the little drummer girl...........
Safi with her lion cub, Lindess...
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