Its been a week of sickies! Mom got sick...then I got sick...then dad got it seems Nixi's got it.
Luckily, I didn't get sick until Friday so I didn't have to miss any school...which was awesome! I had a blast hanging with my friends and dancing to cool blues during circle time. I'm quite the hep cat, you know! Mom and Nixi even got in on the action a few times when they came to pick me up! Super fun. Mom also got to talk to teacher Mel about the field trips and she agreed that they need to be more structured...but something tells me its gonna be mom and Kameron's mom who bring the structure. Either way, it doesn't matter, as long as its there and we are all able to relax more! Wanna know something super cool? I'm someone's best friend!! Kameron, one of my friends from school, told his sister on the way home from school that I am his best friend. It was totally unsolicited...out the blue he just told her "Safi's my best friend." Makes me feel pretty special! All in all, a really great week at school.
Nixi had a decent time at her school on Monday. Heather is still fading and going to fade even more by kinda hiding in an attached room where she can close the door. Nixi did a pretty good job of hanging without looking for her too much. She got pretty anxious when the teacher moved a pumpkin and she wanted it to be moved back to where it was...ok, she NEEDED it to be moved back. So, after a little yelling at some hernia inducing attempts to live the huge thing...they helped her put it back in its place. She did pretty well after class...but started falling apart the next day. She's been a little crazed ever since...but I don't think its because of school...I think its because she's just struggling a lot lately.
You know, I feel bad for the kid. I know what its like to scared, mad, confused, overstimulated, understimulated, the whole ball of wax. Even though I can empathize, its still rough to be around her when she's not doing well. Lately she wants to take things from me...all the time. If she can't, 'cuz I don't let her or mom steps in, she has a meltdown. Sunday morning was like the movie Midnight Express in our house. I was finished with my diaper change and it was her turn so I went to sit in the chair we sit in while we wait. She leaned down, grabbed my head and bit my cheek. She didn't let go until mom startled her by yelling out of shock. When she let go I was in so much pain, she bit me so hard it left marks and it just hurt so bad. She had to go into the bedroom and proceeded to go wild, hitting and kicking the door. When mom went to let her out after her 4 minutes were up she was on a rampage, clawing at mom and kicking her. She ended up getting so out of control that mom had to restrain her...and in the process, she bit onto mom's thumb and wouldn't let go. Mom yelled and tried to pull her hand away but she wouldn't let go. Mom finally shook her off and it was horrifying. Eventually dad went into the room with her monitored her from a distance. Start to finish it was an hour of madness. Mom played with me in the living room and we both nursed our wounds. Once Nixi came out of the room she just collapsed on mom's chest and fell asleep. Eventually we were able to all get out of the house and go to the arcade and have a great time! We're all hoping this biting thing doesn't become a routine happening. Just another new thing that makes it tough on us all, Nixi included. I sure hope she catches a break soon here and starts an upswing.
So, this week is a busy one. Tues mom goes to Nixi's transition planning meeting...'cuz she's 2.5 now and everyone gets together to talk about what will happen for her, service wise, when she turns 3. Nana Cummings is coming up for a visit on Wednesday and we all get to go to my school Halloween carnival on Friday. I'm not used to going to school on Friday, so hopeful its just a really great time and not too stressful. Should be a fun, stressful, exciting week!
Make sure to check back in next week and see how it all goes...and if Nixi is still biting!
Our deep pressure pea pods arrived! Of course, we quickly figured out how to make then a vestibular extravaganza...but we also realized how groovy and chill they were as time went on!
When you're feeling the music...why hide it?! Monopoly jams RULE! You should've seen me before mom was able to start filming....I was on fire!
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