Sunday, September 11, 2011

No still shots this week...but check out the great video!!!
Singing our ABC's on the fly...literally!

Dressing up my "baby"....

Our new train!!! Check out my happy feet and joyful clap!!

Crazy week. We had the long weekend, which was super fun...then Tues was Nixi's first day at her "preschool academy"(we'll call it school from here on out). We woke up on a roll. We had military precision in our morning routine and were ready to hit the road just on time. Heather went with us and she got to see one of my new nervous habits. See, when we're going somewhere new or doing something out of the ordinary I become the back seat driver of your nightmares. I get nervous about the cars around us, the red lights ('cuz who knows if mom sees them) and yell out things like, "Watch out!", "Stop black car!", "Yikes!!", and "Help". I think it makes perfect sense, clearly 4 or 6 eyes is better than thinks its annoying and a bit jarring. So, I was on full alert all the way up to the Early Intervention center...and we got there safe and sound!

Mom and I hung out in some super lame room with no toys or anything...but there was a ton of cool physical therapy equipment taunting me in the hallway. Cruel really, but I digress. Nixi went into school with Heather with no problems. They commenced class and mom let me play with the iPhone, so it was totally horrible. I did a great job of staying put and coping with not being in the class...really great given the fact that that place used to be MY therapy center. Mom was super proud, and toward the end she said the heck with it and took me out in the hall to mess with all of the cool stuff. Nixi did a great job in class. It was just as chaotic and overstimulating as it was when mom went with her to the mommy and me class. Heather was there to try and provide additional structure and warnings for transitions. When class was over Nixi was happy as can be and so overstimulated that she was tripping over her feet...what mom calls "stim drunk." By the time we got to the car ans started driving home, shut down completely...sucking her thumb and twiddling her hair while she stared into space. By the time we pulled in the driveway she hit the wall and started getting screechy and weepy. For the rest of the day she was really brittle. The next day was the worst day Nixi has had since we can't even remember when. She just screamed, and screamed, and screamed, and hit, and trembled, and kicked, and cried some more for the whole day. A break here and there, but hour long meltdowns for the better part of the day.

By Thursday when it was time to see her OT, Teacher Jo, she was a little better. Her Early Intervention teacher came to the house, too. That was ok, a little confusing, but ok. Sadly, it ended pretty poorly for Nix and sent her back into the space she was in the days before. Friday morning we had an appointment with our psychologist in Fresno. We both were a little nervous because we haven't been there in a while, but I pulled it together. Mom had to scrape Nixi off of the floor and strap her into the car...she just couldn't pull it together. The ride was punctuated by lots of ear piercing screams, but we also got to watch Backyardigans so it was ok. We did great at Dr. Wells, sadly, mom was so frazzled by the time we got there that she didn't was pretty incoherent. She only had 50 minutes to give an update, toss out concerns, and hope for referrals. She was all over the place and didn't really get the help she was looking for, no fault to Dr. Wells. It was just one of those days.

Heather's grandpa has been sick so we haven't seen her since Tues....we hope he feels better soon. Its been intense, and just mom with us during the thick of it. We made it through the week and things are looking brighter heading into this week. Nixi will go back to school on Monday and Tues and we all get to go on a field trip to the County Fair with my school on Thursday! Woohoooooo! Should be pretty make sure to check back in next week for pictures and such!


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