Wow! What a crazy week! Our air conditioner broke and we had NO a/c for about 2 days. Now, its over 100 degrees here, so you can just imagine how hot it was in the house. Dad got us swamp coolers to tide us over until we could get the a/c back on. We had super fun with them (see our video below), but they didn't cool worth a darn. Instead, they turned our rooms in a Louisianna swamp! It was scary hot so mom and dad opened all the doors, turned on the whole house fan, and hoped neither of us passed out! Someone came out on Friday and got our a/c working temporarily, until we can get a new one. Thank goodness!
Needless to say, we were all tired and cranky from sleeping in the swamplands! We managed to get some great park days in, though. Saf is totally back in to the fountians, and so am I! I finally came around and have decided the fountains aren't too bad. It's super fun to walk through them holding mom's hand.
I'm doing a GREAT job of walking these days. I can walk all the way from the bedroom out to the living room....and just about anywhere I want. I take breaks and my legs look kinda stiff....but I'm rockin'! My left leg still goes out to the side, but I've figured out how to compensate for it and I can totally book when I want to! If mom says, "run run run", I try my hardest to make tracks with some speed. Saf thinks its super funny, and copies my "running". See, when I walk, and especially when I run, my legs are so stiff that they sorta look like they're both in braces. I need to work on bending my legs and moving my legs in closer together. Either way, I LOVE walking! It's so cool!
Saf had a big girl painted her toenails! She asked, and mom just did it! Now, Saf's feet and nails have been a sensory "hot spot". Imagine mom's surprise when Saf not only tolerated it, but also requested "mommy, feet assage [massage]?" It was awesome, mom gave her a foot massage while her nails dried and she kicked back and read a board book. It was like a real salon right in our living room. Predictably, later in the day when she was overstimulated and tired she got really upset about the polish and wanted it off. Even more predicatbly, within seconds of dad taking the polish off she was crying and asking for mom to put it back on. Mom did, and it lasted another half day. All these things seem pretty small, but we know just how big it is and how very much Saf had to repress the urge to bolt just so she could have pretty toes. What a trooper!
We're both still on vacation from services, so nothing this week. It's great to have time for things like the park and just hanging out in front of the house in teh RV...but I kinda miss the structure of services. It's a great way for us to know what day of the week it is, when dad will be off for the weekend, etc. Our day is still strucutred as if we had services, that never changes, but when we have services it's a lot easier to figure out where we are in the week.
So, its been a hot and long week, but pretty fun...can't complain.
Swamp coolers are FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look ma, no hands!
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