Ahoy, mateys! Trusting your 4th of July was full of fun! Our was awesome. We opted out of the fireworks, but had great food and an even greater time playing in our new pirate ship playhouse...as you can see!
Last week was a really good one. Nixi took her first steps! They were pretty sturdy, but she has yet to get up the nerve to take more than 3 in a row...her current record. None the less, way to go little sis! Mom cancelled our Thursday session up at the therapy center so as not to risk ruining the place for us if it went poorly again. We scheduled Nixi's early intervention sessions with our beloved Teacher Lorene up there so we can still use the space, but with a more relaxed vibe. That'll be great! I had my last day of school, which was awesome. I wore my hair in pigtails...very cool. See, I have what they call "tactile defensiveness". What that means is that I'm uncomfortable with touch. The absolute worst spot in my body is y head. So, mom never thought I'd be able to wear hair clips of pigtails...but I did! And I looked cool!!
Now I'm off for summer break and when I go back I'll be going to a whole new school. Mom's gonna take some video of it so in 6 weeks when I go back I'll know what to expect. Dad's gonna have 2 weeks off for vacation starting this Friday...that's really exciting. We love taking him to the park and showing off! Today at the park I approached a little girl, waved, and said "hi" with no coaching from mom or dad! I also played in the fountains....even with little boys there! Someone had a dog there and that was enough to entice me! Someday mom is hoping she can get Winston certified as a therapy dog so I can take him places with me, because I'm much more relaxed in the presence of animals. Hmmmm, I think Winston is gonna need a lot of work........we'll take our time on this one!
Also, we keep forgetting to tell you that I'm reading full books! Mom and dad knew I was reading sight words at about 2 and a half years, but I'm reading full books now! Not too shabby!!!! Besides the fact that I'm just plain brainy, some folks on the autistic spectrum have what's called hyperlexia. (You can be hyperlexic without being on the spectrum.) The doctor for the state who evaluated me thought I might be hyperlexic because of my love for numbers, symbols, and letters, and my ability to read words. Generally, boys are hyperlexic, so its rare in girls. However...I RULE! Sorry, had to toot my own horn for a minute. Just wanted to give an example of one of my special powers! I'm super girlie!
So, have a great week and will get back at ya next week!
Super fun day at the park...note my snazzy hair clips!
You do rule Saf!