Ok, mom got her keyboard courtesy of Nana's par amour, Dan.Thank you, Dan! Let the blog continue!
Sorry Nixi left with a cliff hanger last week about the EEG. So here's the deal, Nixi has always had some memory issues and loose or tangential speech. That's always concerned mom but an EEG is a real pain in the head so we've been putting it off. Well, starting September 5th and lasting a week and a half Nixi was hallucinating. She began having visual hallucinations of colors, grey falling stars, and eventually shadows that were speaking to her. It was terrifying for all of us and culminated in her crying and screaming that she wanted to live alone with the pets because she was afraid of mom, dad, and me. She just lost all touch with reality and was absolutely terrified. It took mom a couple of hours to get her "back". That was a few days after mom had taken her to the pediatrician for a referral for an EEG. These issues could be caused by epilepsy, more specifically occipital epilepsy. So, she's scheduled for an EEG on October 10th but unless there is an emergency we wont get the results until October 29th as that was the first appointment neurology had. Mom will call every day hoping for a cancellation because that's a long time to wait to figure this all out. Nixi is back to her normal goofy self, although she continues to report hallucinations and now is experiencing what are called illusions. Illusions are when your perception of real objects are skewed, like misinterpreting a shadow as a person or a light bulb as a terrestrial light. So, the poor kid isn't sure what's real and what's not so its hard for mom and dad to tell what is a hallucination and what is an illusion. Hopefully we get this all figured out soon. She's in pretty good spirits and we're trying to keep her stress down so fingers crossed that we don't lose her again.
I'm doing pretty good with school. Mom met with my principle and the school psychologist about what happened the other week when I was put in the front office crying and alone. The meeting was strange. It started out with my principle taking the offensive approach because it was clear that he felt bad about the way things had happened and was defensive. The best defense is a good offense so he sort of went at home accusing her of giving mixed messages to the school and asking her if she always did everything perfect. Mom did a great job of not tearing into him, though she wanted to. Instead, she let him rail on for 20 minutes and then refocused him back the issue at hand. Once she was able to chink his armor the truth came out which was that the school doesn't know what they're doing and they know they made some mistakes and felt badly about it. Mom assured him that it was ok to make mistakes and that she doesn't expect them to be perfect, but she does expect them to ask questions about things they don't know and that she is still concerned that the supports she's providing the school aren't trickling down to me. They came up with several plans to help me stay at school and so far its going great. I'm still have my struggles but I have yet to need to go home and that makes me feel great. It feels so miserable to feel like a failure and that's exactly how it feel when I have to leave my friends and my class.
Friday at school was one of the days I struggled. We had a visit from a D.A.R.E. police officer then a student of the month assembly. I had a rough morning and the principle came to my class to see if I wanted to take a break in his office. I didn't and I was able to get it together and stay with my friends for all of the excitement. It was a weird, kinda fun, sometimes scary day but I made it through to the end! Very proud of myself. After school mom, dad, and Nixi picked me up and we went to the park and did the fountains. Dad had the day off...very cool. Mom and dad even went into the fountains with us in their clothes! It was so awesome.
Saturday Nix and I both struggled. I was coming off of the big school day on Friday and Nix was coming down from the excitement of dad being home Friday. We really wanted to go to McDonalds but it was a no go and we were really disappointed. We did a great job of pulling it together on Sunday and we got to go. So it was a great day!
There you have it. We're super excited for October and get to decorate the house on Monday. October means decorations, costumes, the pumpkin patch, and special shows...so great! Hope you all welcome October this week with some spooky decorations and good fun and Nixi will catch you next week!
Here's some pictures from last week of mr playing with my friend, Sophia, from school....
And a really cool big kid who organized a game for all of us to play.....